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FormatWindows PC Demo
Steven Hammond
Release date21st May 2018
DownloadBeast Tribute - Old School Demo 2

Beast Tribute - Old School Demo 2
Beast Tribute - Old School Demo 2
Windows PC

The adventures with PureBasic continue for aNdy with this new old school demo - and yes, we're aware of the contradiction there - which is also a tribute to Shadow Of The Beast on the Amiga in case anybody was finding the visuals familiar.

aNdy comments that "this is a simple demo, expanding on learning done in Old School Demo 1. It was produced in response to the various Psygnosis tribute demos that appeared on the Dark Bit Factory & Gravity Purebasic forum during 2018."

Trivia: As with the previous release in aNdy's Old School Demo series, the PureBasic source code has been included in the archive for other PureBasic programmers to learn from and there are a few other assets included to peruse as well.

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