MD202112 | [posted by Odie on 17 Dec 2021] | MD202112 is a little Christmas demo following in the traditional footsteps of T.M.R who would approve of this. |
Chiller 2 | [posted by Odie on 17 Dec 2021] | Chiller 2 is a nice platform game created entirely by aNdy and was released back in December 2020 via CSDb. |
Salty Lemon | [posted by Odie on 13 Dec 2021] | Salty Lemon was coded by Odie, music by Odie and is an original composition which I started working on during a long 4-hour train journey to Scotland. |
That Old Magic | [posted by Odie on 13 Dec 2021] | That Old Magic was coded by T.M.R and Odie, music by Odie and is a cover of That Old Magic by Matthew (4-Mat) Simmonds from the Amiga. |
MD202006 - Get Well Soon TMR | [posted by Odie on 12 Dec 2021] | MD202006 was coded by aNdy, accompanied by Odie's cover of Firepower. This release This is the first time Odie has had to upload into the Cosine website since the passing of T.M.R. The unusual circumstances just realised is that this demo was released by aNdy exactly 1 year to the day before his death. |